
A humorous and heartwarming narrative in Punjabi and English delving into the world of a father and daughter born generations and miles apart. It is a gut-wrenchingly honest depiction of a working-class family's struggle with addiction and labour. Told through flashbacks and set in Surrey Memorial Hospital, Himmat takes audiences on a journey exploring the complexities of family history and immigration.


Playwright: Gavan Cheema

Actors: Gavan Cheema, Munish Sharma and Veenu Sandhu 

Director: Paneet Singh

Dramaturg: Tim Carlson

Sound and Projection Designer: David Messiha

Costume Designer: elika mojtabaei

Set Designer: Kimira Reddy

Lighting Designer: Parjad Sharifi

Stage Manager: Yvonne Yip

Production Manager: Reid Collinson

Photos: Sarah Race


All my being is a dark verse


a film about a uterus